Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Independent Project 2

For my second independent project I took portraits of people, and paired their portrait with a photo of things that are essential to them.  I displayed these two photos as a diptych. Originally I was going to ask to photograph the contents of their bag that they carry around with them everyday and call the series “What’s In Your Bag?”  But I quickly found that most people had pretty similar things (keys, wallet, phone), which didn’t make for a very interesting picture.  So I decided to change it to things that are important to them and that give us a little glimpse of their personality.  I really love how they turned out and it’s interesting to see how different everyone’s are.  I plan to continue this series and shoot 10-15 more people (or animals) throughout the year, and then possibly put all the photos into a book. 

Alex Merrill

Olivia Fouser

Kathrina Slater

Heidi Klonoff

Claire Dimmick

Larsen Hodges

Landon Hodges 


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