Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Semester Final

The word I drew inspiration from was whimsical.  When I think of the word whimsical, I think of light, airy, happy images that possess fantasy and dream-like qualities.  When I was little, I made these things called petal people.  They’re little people made out of floral wire and synthetic flower petals.  I would build them houses out of moss, leaves and twigs that I’d collect around my backyard, and play with them in my own little created world for hours.  The petal people are very whimsical to me, because they’re light and airy and make me happy to look at.  They seem like little fairies to me, and I think my images create that feeling.  I used backlighting and shallow depth of field in my images to give them that dream-like quality, and I think they turned out nicely.  I transferred the first one onto canvas and printed the other two on photo paper.

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